Friday, May 15, 2009

The forces of evil have come.

I am crushed. But not broken.

It is almost disappointing… only being bruised. It means one has to go on.

It means you have to keep fighting.

The desire to run, to hide, overwhelms.

The want to strike back, tempts.

I want to hold it all in.

I want to let it all out.

I want you to know I care. I really am concerned.

Don’t play these games of hide and seek.

Chumming up one day and brushing off the next.

Only tell me how I have offended and I will mend my ways.

I value your friendship, your laughter, and our endless chatter.

Where are the jovial days of yesterday?

This ignorance is not bliss. Only tell me…

Tell me what is wrong.

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