I like my title.
I know...that was just a really conceited thing to say...but honestly it states very well what I was thinking about today. And if you live on planet earth you probably know what I'm talking about...Yes, the world we live in today.
Tolerance is
everyone's motto. And it seems like a good one...for when it is applied...the world should be a peaceful place. It doesn't mean you have to agree but everyone needs to accept everybody e
lses differences. We need to see each other as unique and creative. Even if such 'uniqueness' and 'creativity' is brazen sin.
I am trying to be careful how I say this but as a Christian I cannot accept this secular viewpoint comfortably. Am I really saying that Christians should be intolerant? Yes. Absolutely yes.
I don't believe I ought to accept gay peoples beliefs nor will I tolerate them being shoved in my face (as someone recently tried to do). Depending on the situation, I don't think it is necessary to walk up to every gay person and declare that I don't agree or accept their actions but if they attempt to shove them on me...I'll let them know I won't tolerate that.
What we need to be careful of as Christians is remember that these people are also made in the image of God. Christ, the Great Physician, came for the sick--not the well.
Being tolerable to everything leaves one wide open for a few too many disasters. And when we aren't we are immediately jumped upon.
As a Christian, I don't believe it's possible to be accepting in this way. If we are then we must deny Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Yes, Christianity is not accepting of gays, or
Buddhism, or
Muslims....this does not mean we cannot treat them with Christian charity but I think we do need to define the line.