Terry makes my day. She's almost 50, is very robust, and is always ready to laugh. She's led a very hard life but she's absolutely crazy about anything funny. She's keeps everyone in a good humor all day long.
For Example: Yesterday the oldies station was on all day and randomly while the rest of us were silently planting she'd let out a holler along with the crazy singer from the 60's making all of us nearly jump out of our skin.
Then she came up with a great idea. She decided that randomly throughout songs she'd shout, "TT!" or "TS!" and it was signal that we should 'Tighten Tummy" or "Tighten Shoulders" because she thought we should all try to stay in shape while on the job.
Later in the day I said "Hey Terry, TM!" She looked at me in bewilderment as did Crystal, the other girl working there. I couldn't figure out their confusion...Terry was the one that came up with it to begin with. "What does TM mean?" They both asked, "Tighten Mouth?"
"Tighten Tummy!" I said....."ohhhh" *much laug

Yeah. Yesterday I had a Charlie Brown day: everything I touched fell apart.

1 comment:
crazy co-workers are awesome!
<3 savage chickens.
... Charlie Brown days... *sigh*
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