1. I woke up 20 minutes before I had to leave to work: I had to throw together my lunch, get ready, go out to the office...and grab a cup of coffee.
2. My vehicle was really difficult to drive and a mile down I realized I had a VERY flat tire....a slow trip back to the house...jump into a different vehicle...and arrive to work 10 minutes late.
3. I get out of the vehicle with my lunch box, water bottle, and cell phone right onto a huge ice patch and fall face forward slamming my knees and knocking the air out of myself. I picked myself up and determined to make it inside that door!
4. It would be my luck to have to work the one weekend that the manager from the Minneapolis greenhouse came. Ugh. He was horrible and I'm so thankful he's not my normal boss. I didn't hear him say one sentence which didn't take God's name in vain or swear or use some crude word. I almost went bonkers. And I had to work around him for a dreadful amount of hours!
5. Chuck, who helped me load a cart, stacked them so badly that three different times they some fell off and I spilled soil all over the floor.
6. (warning: may contain inappropriate content) during lunch hour, every one left to eat and run errands...I ate my lunch there and ran to my car to grab a pack of gum. While jumping out of the car, my cell phone, which was in my back pocket, caught on the door somehow...and tore my pants! I panicked for about 3 seconds and then remembered no one was around...I grabbed my sweat jacket and tied it around my waist. And guess what...No one even noticed!
7. When I punched out of work...my time card looked funny. Somehow the machine hadn't grabbed it right after I ate lunch and hadn't recorded the last 6 hours of work. So I wrote it in by hand and hope to goodness it comes out alright.

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