Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 13 Saturday, July 25th

Yesterday was the first day I haven't written in here. When I last wrote it was about 10:00 at night and after a bit I fell asleep, exhausted. At 12:30 I woke up feeling really nauseated and sick - it hurt to move. I stumbled down to the little house out back, I remember I tripped on a tree root and fell on my elbows, I was scared to be out there alone.
When I came back in I drank a bunch of water - which didn't taste very good and I had a strange notion that it was that water that made me sick. I crawled into my hammock holding my stomach. I thought I might throw up but I haven't done that in years. A few minutes later I began to have horrific cramps up in my diaphragm that contorted my whole body. I've never experience anything like it. My head felt hot and my body cold. The cramps continued, attacking every few minutes - I think I groaned the whole night. At about 1:30 I woke up Came (my room mate) and told her I was sick. She said I needed to wake up Laurie, the doctor.

I did and told her my symptoms. In the end I was awake the entire night from - only God got me through for I've felt more gruesome. Cama was very good and sweet to me the entire time...especially when I so rudely woke the poor thing up.

In the morning I still felt pretty awful and even more so because I could hardly stand up long enough to say goodbye. I hope the Apurina understood. Leaving was hard. I boarded the boat with Mr Babylon earlier than everyone else and Maria kept trying to help and bring me medicine. She was jabbering on and on in Portuguese of which I only understood that her medicine would cure me. I kept saying "no entiendo" and shaking my head because I wasn't sure what exactly her medcine contained so she'd run down and grab a different bottle. She did that about 4 times before she finally realized I wasn't going to take it until Judy translated for me.

Laurie gave me some drugs and as soon as the cramps stopped a bit later I slept. I was out cold for about 15 hours. Apparently, my face swelled up and I looked absolutely awful. At 4:30 this morning we stopped at Beruri for a couple of hours - we were halfway. Everyone went and explored the town...I didn't even think about it.

Today I have felt better but definitely not recovered. I developed an earache on my right side and have been nauseated all day. I have mostly dozed and had strange dreams. Dreams about the boat sinking, of airplane rides, being back home, and of being pursued by scary people and nobody being able to hear me call out.

We are suppose to arrive in Manaus at about 8:00 - I can't wait to get off this boat - I think half my nausea is from the rocking and swaying hammock.

Day 14 Sunday, July 26

We are all safely at Judy's house. Last night while we were still on the boat I had finally pulled myself together and was feeling relatively better, I made my way down to the lower level to say hi to Maria, Orlando, their son Francisco, and Maxxi. They were all so happy I was feeling better that they gave me enormous hugs and Orlando kissed me on my cheek as if I were his daughter. They were so sweet and so worried about me. I didn't realize how bad I must have looked until I began to feel better and everyone told me. All I know is that I felt ghastly. So I sat in the itty bitty cabin while Orlando drove and next to Maxi int he stern swinging my legs over the boat while we came into the bay. It was a beautiful evening full of stars and breeze and it felt so good to be alive. Funny how much more you appreciate life once you've been sick.

Then we had another jam-packed bus ride back to Judy's house. They ordered pizza and we all waited out turn for Internet. This morning we all got up early and then waited until it was time to leave to church. I rode int he back baggage compartment of Judy's was a jarring ride on Brazilians wonderful roads. Really it was kindof fun getting bounced around.

At church they gave us earphones and a girl translated for us into English but she missed a lot so it was rather disconnected. Afterward we went to the mall and ate - it was good. I was with five other people from our group eating in a restaurant and at the end of the meal the lights went out - it made me laugh. Because everyone around me was speaking Portuguese, looking-serious, and trying to eat in the dark. Alas, no one else thought it was funny and I laughed alone. Grant thinks Laurie's medicine's are messing with me.

We've spent the latter afternoon and evening sleeping,resting, talking, and reading. Most of the Fockler's have colds.

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